The Pavlik Toolkit

As a consultant to your company or your project, our responsibility is to develop a comprehensive communications strategy. We employ proven tools in creative and successful ways. We provide turn-key services in the following areas requiring creativity and budget control.

Earned Media

Positive media coverage spotlights a business, agency, service, or project in a way that cannot be replicated. Linda Pavlik is a former award-winning journalist who understands the dynamics of the media, whether it be deadline and space pressures or biased and uninformed reporting.

Our services include:

  • Writing and distribution of news releases
  • Coordination of news conferences
  • Development of targeted media databases
  • Development of all-inclusive media “packages”
  • Targeting of  on-line “green” media

Online Communication

Online communication strategies employ the internet to bolster effective message delivery to a target audience. Professional communication has many facets: One-to-many, one-to-one, many-to-many, and many-to-one. We help our clients converge their online presence with their communications or marketing strategies. We harness the internet’s best qualities to drive our clients to successes beyond their expectations.

Our services include:

  • Website development
  • E-mail campaigns, enhancement, maintenance
  • Audience targeting
  • Search engine placement
  • Writing for the Internet
  • Blogs, Facebook, Twitter

Direct Mail/Email

When designed and written well, direct mail or email blasts can be one of the most cost-effective mediums for reaching a targeted audience. While many people say they object to “the mountain of junk” they receive, there are creative ways for setting your message apart from the advertisements that can clutter every mail box.

Our services include:

  • Identifying and targeting the proper audience.
  • Understanding postal regulations so that a direct mail piece can be mailed as inexpensively as possible.
  • Creating materials with a call to action so the effectiveness of the communication can be measured.
  • Combining direct mail with other communication tools, especially digital.


The most time-proven communications medium is the brochure, regardless of the subject matter, size or production costs. To be effective, a brochure must be designed so that one is compelled to pick it up and read it. It must be illustrated in such a way that photos or graphs tell a story. The text must be clear and concise so as not to overwhelm the reader.

Our services include:

  • Corporate brochures
  • Advocacy brochures
  • New product brochures

Video Production

For more than 20 years, we have produced informational videos for clients ranging from the U.S. Small Business Administration to environmental and solid waste management companies to regional planning and governmental entities to nonprofit associations.

Our services include:

  • Budgeting so that your needs are met at reasonable costs.
  • Taking the most complicated of information and reducing it in such a way that is understandable to lay persons.
  • Using computer-generated graphics and visual techniques to enhance your message.

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