
Pavlik and Associates prides itself on fully analyzing your needs so that your investment in our services makes good financial sense to you. We ask that you call us so that we can help you develop and execute your plan of action.

Areas of Expertise

Media Relations

Media relations is the art and science of maximizing the positive identification, messages and general goodwill of an individual, company or organization. We develop and execute multi-faceted media relations programs locally, regionally, nationally and internationally.

Our services include:

  • News conferences
  • Media events
  • Media training
  • News releases
  • Development of news features and videos
  • Writing support
  • Crisis management

Brand Enhancement

Solid business development requires a well-planned and executed external and internal campaign that brands a service, product or initiative.  We are skilled in how best to organize and deliver the messages needed for success.

Our services include:

  • Strategic planning
  • Target marketing
  • Corporate positioning
  • Image building for companies and individuals
  • Facilitation with decision makers
  • Relationship building with international business interests

Consensus Building

Business and community development often requires building support for programs, policies, products and services. Third-party endorsements are integral to the acceptance of new concepts and policy changes by decision-making bodies. We represent clients in the public and private sectors for whom consensus building is imperative if they are to be successful.

Our services include:

  • Public affairs/Governmental affairs
  • Organizing and scripting presentations
  • Speakers bureau development
  • Advisory committee development
  • Meeting facilitation

Strategic Communications

Knowing who you want to target is imperative when seeking to enhance your brand, to manage a negative situation that is, or could go viral—or simply to tell your story to bring about positive results.

Our services include:

  • Research (a deep dive into fact-finding) so that all communications are factual and relevant
  • Develop “key messages” around which the communications plan is built
  • Define carefully the goal or goals
  • Assess which communications tools are most cost-effective
  • Establish  criteria to evaluate the program or initiative

Market Research

Quantitative and qualitative research is important to the success of any endeavor. We are skilled at conducting high quality research involving users of specific products and services. We also help you to know what people are thinking about government services and performance (municipalities, school districts, special districts and authorities).

Our services include:

  • Focus group facilitation
  • Telephone surveys
  • Internet surveys
  • Key stakeholder interviews
  • Mail surveys
  • Analysis and recommendations based on findings

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