Case Studies


Fort Worth Police Officers’ Awards Foundation

In December 1980, founding contributor and charter board chairman Edd Lott retained Linda Pavlik to develop apublic relations, education and solicitation program around his concept of a nonprofit foundation to recognize andaward excellence on the part of police officers. Working with the legal and accounting team which chartered thenonprofit organization, Pavlik designed a program whereby the Fort Worth Police Officers’ Award Foundation wasfunded, criteria for awards were established and a community awareness program was developed for this uniqueconcept which became a model for similar endeavors nationwide.

During the spring of 2010, the Board of Trustees made a strategic decision to embark on a community-widecampaign designed to broaden the Foundation’s ability to support top-notch performance in all aspects of policing. Pavlik was asked to develop a membership and marketing program to renew support for the men and women whorisk their lives every day to keep Fort Worth safe.


  • To engage our greater Fort Worth community in support for its police officers personally and as a team;

    To establish positive relationships among the rank-and-file police officers, the department’s leadership; and the Foundation’s board of trustees; and

    To create positive media coverage of the Foundation’s programs that, in turn, supports the Foundation’s outreach and fundraising initiatives.


Pavlik and Associates developed the outline for the way in which a new campaign could be established and introduced to the citizens of Fort Worth. Graphicdesigns, brochures and all collateral materials were produced under the agency’s supervision. A new logo was created and new colors of gold and black werechosen to carry the contemporized theme. Additionally, in order to accomplish the goals as set out above, Pavlik recommended the Foundation move forward by:

  • Creating Foundation membership categories. These categories would allow citizens of Fort Worth to be engaged and could provide an outlet for personalinvolvement. In doing so, the Foundation would also create a structure for fundraising.
  • Identifying community events in which to be involved. With advance planning, the Foundation could be out-front in neighborhood activities.
  • Increasing utilization of the website. Consider an on-line newsletter and a presence in social media outlets. Emphasis for the newsletter would be on public service.
  • Creating a task force to bring all stakeholders together. Members should be a representative of the chief’s office; a representative of the POA; the department’straining officer; and two Foundation board members. The task force could serve as a coordinating entity during the campaign.
  • Creating at least one—and most likely two new programs. These programs should be available to the rank-and-file officers and not be competitive. Both of these programs would likely garner media attention and be of interest to the general public.


Pavlik brought together key figures from the Fort Worth Police Officers Association and the Fort Worth Police Department which resulted in collaboration andincreased partnership. By forging new relationships and building a greater understanding of the Foundation goals among stakeholders, Pavlik strengthened theFoundation’s awareness in the community which allowed for the following to be accomplished.

  • Development and introduction of membership levels and community participation to the Fort Worth City Council. The City Council presented the Foundation with an official proclamation recognizing its services.
  • Development and execution of a fundraising campaign to include direct mail and advertising to business leaders and the general public. Redesign of the Foundation logo and new collateral material such as brochures, posters, t-shirts and additional promotional items.
  • Strategic planning with law enforcement officers, community leaders and the founding board to establish criteria for increased awareness, possibilities for newprograms and improving existing events.
  • Coordination of ongoing media relations consisting of news releases, query letters in efforts to publicize the Foundation.
  • Complete redesign of the website and initiate a presence in social media.
  • Ongoing administration of all Foundation matters, serving as the direction of the Board of Trustees.


Foundation Trustees are participating in more community activities and department events than ever before, such as: funding the Traumas of Law Enforcement training; Weekend at the Zoo; the annual Fort Worth Memorial Candlelight Vigil; promotions/merit awards ceremony; a Citizens Appreciation Day sponsored by the Crime Control and Prevention District; the annual awards dinner; and, the annual Code Blue Seminar and Thomas R. Windham award ceremony.

For more information on the Foundation, please visit


2013 Hermes Creative Awards International Competition

Platinum Award

  • For creating a video titled “The Best” promoting excellence in the Fort Worth Police Department.
  • For creating a video titled “An Unparalleled Partnership” explaining the cooperation between the Fort Worth Police Officers’ Awards Foundation and the business community.

Gold Award

  • For creating a video titled “The Call Is Given” to aid the Fort Worth Police Department in recruiting potential officers

2012 Hermes Creative Awards International Competition

Platinum Award

  • For creating a poster and brand for the Fort Worth Police Officers’ Award foundation

2010 MarCom Awards

Platinum Award

  • For marketing and fundraising efforts completed as The Fort Worth Police Officers’ Award Foundation renewed its commitment to excellence through the launch of a community-wide appreciation initiative.

2010 MarCom Awards International Marketing and Communications Competition

Platinum Award

  • For marketing and fundraising efforts completed as The Fort Worth Police Officers’ Award Foundation renewed its commitment to excellence through the launch of a community-wide appreciation initiative.

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